Artist Statement
I had been painting on and off during the years since university but not taking it too seriously. In 2012 I started attending a local life drawing group and realised how much I missed drawing, discussing ideas and socialising with other artists. I have been striving to improve my drawing and painting since then and have developed a style I feel has originality and artistic value. I am enjoying the rediscovery of my passion for painting, it has been a deeply personal journey which has informed my approach to life in general and enhances my continued growth as an artist.
My current works are inspired by a love of mid-century and architecture and begin with photographs taken as I walk around cities. I tend to layer aspects from more than one building, then accentuate planes and lines from each one assembling a new, abstract structure – sometimes one of the original buildings is more evident in the finished piece while other finished paintings are purely abstract. The paintings often change drastically as I concentrate on the abstract image, playing with colours and depth to create a cohesive surface to the work while retaining a feeling of space. I also use pale washes to create ‘veiled’ areas which without detracting from the overall composition subtly reveal the process that the painting has gone through.